10 February 2008

Catching Up

Has it really been 5 weeks since my last post?! So much has happened since then...
2007 ended with a bang and a crash- a computer crash. I've been pretty diligent about backing up photos since I began using Photoshop Elements. But I lost some recent photos and digital projects. The most time consuming thing has been gathering discs and trying to re-load the essentials back into the computer.
Here's a photo of Lucy enjoying her Christmas gift. I noticed this wonderful orange velvet "Princess Chair" while shopping with Suzette & Jenna at Skyline Antiques on Third Friday in December. I was distracted then by finding the perfect gift for Ray (which I will post later.) I think I remember having a little velvet dollhouse chair just like this when I was a little girl.
When Ray and I went back to Skyline later it was still there and he agreed it seemed the perfect fit for her.
Lucy seems to think so, too.

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