12 February 2010

The Chase

At first they are chasing birds, then Lucy urges Ya Ya to run ahead so lucy can chase her.
Soon enough, Ya Ya has had enough and heads indoors while Lucy begs her to come back out and play some more..
At last Lucy goes inside as well, to relax and get warm as the sun sets on our beautiful snow covered garden.

Above and Beyond

What could make Ya Ya decide to climb up over the snow after reaching the end of the path??
Trying to get to HIM!!

After the Snow

Venturing out into the back garden with my camera after the snow had stopped falling.

Snow on Snow

That unmistakable flash of blue outside my window always makes me smile. We had all the usual visitors to the feeders.

This is my front yard, looking toward my street, as the second snowfall added 22"  over what remained of the first storm. The large blob in the corner is our Snowman.