22 November 2009

An early Christmas

An early Christmas begins when Ya YA finds the holiday gift bag from Target filled with Finger Puppets from the dollar store area in the front of Target.

I get lots of toys and outfits for Ya Ya here.

Finger Puppets

In the end, triumph over the Lion finger puppet.....

14 September 2009

Astro Anniversary

On Saturday the South Jersey Astronomy Club celebrated 20 years of promoting astronomy, championing the cause of light pollution, and educating the public about the wonders of the night sky.
Ray Maher, current President of the club (and my very own DH) is seen here presenting co-founder Fred Schaff with a plaque commemorating the occasion.
The cake with the club's new logo on it was pretty cool, too.

Cute Cake

We managed to get in a visit with family this summer.
This cake was made for my nephew & his wife to celebrate their life together.
I thought it was so clever- note the insignias on the ends of the little bench the couple is sitting on-Coast Guard on one side, Navy on the other.

12 July 2009

Out with the old....

We hired a contractor to tear down our old storage shed and build a new one on site.
Here's a view of the old shed from my studio window.

Then the new one from the same vantage point.

We now have a space my DH can walk into without ducking to store telescopes and camping gear.

And next spring, with all this glass, I can have a space to move plants to before hardening them off into the garden. More room to start my spring plants from seed.
And a cute little garden backdrop as well.

20 March 2009

The First Day Of Spring

Welcome Spring (even if it is a little chilly today.)
We've gotten started with some pruning and some digging, and lots and lots of planning.

28 February 2009

A Day In The Life Of Ya Ya

What do you mean "not mine???"

But if I found it, I mean just sitting there....

If I can just pull this ... up a little farther .... I can .....

Paper? I now nothing of this "paper."

After a long hard day, a nice long nap with squeaky Mr. Lobster...

15 February 2009

Getting Ready For Spring

It was kind of nice out today so DH decided to clean out all the birdhouses around the yard. This is no small task (there are 5 of them.)
I took photos of each different nest to use in a garden journal I'm putting together.
I didn't notice 'the nose' until I had the shots on the computer screen.

This all came from inside the English Sparrow's house. They love to collect chicken feathers from a neighbor's yard to line their nest. They stay in the yard and use their house all year round.

02 February 2009

Happy Ground Hog Day!

Punxsutawney Phil
"And a bright sky above me

Showed my shadow beside me.

So 6 more weeks of winter it will be."

18 January 2009

The New Heater

Here's a shot of out new gas wood stove in action. It is the Champlain model.
And it is "Lucy approved."

Ah, Winter...

We had temperatures below zero this weekend- if only some snow had come our way as well!!
But it has been a great weekend to snuggle on the sofa with your BFF.

01 January 2009

Fall Kayak Trip

The last kayak trip of the year, Bass River State Park in October. We decided to get a cabin- it was much too cold at night for tent camping.
Here's my brand new pink Schwinn Bike outside the back door of our cabin.
The cabins at Bass River were a nice surprise- large enough to sleep six, a nice little kitchen, a wonderful fireplace, and best of all: an indoor bathroom and hot and cold running water!!!

Fall Foilage

The weather was chilly, downright cold at night. But we could set out onto the lake right from our campsite. Most of the trees around the lake are pines at Bass River State Park but the colors of fall were all around us.

Bas River Camping Trip

It was too cold to go out on the lake our first day there. Ray drove up from Atlantic City and the three of us biked around the lake. The lovely thing about renting a cabin in the fall: the park provides you with a good supply of fire wood. It was so cold we started a fire each day by 4:oo pm. We brought a litle extra wood with us, so we had plenty to last, even stoking the fire all night the last night there.


This is the view of our campsite from across the lake.
And of course, sunset on the lake taken from the water's edge right behind our cabin.