28 February 2009

A Day In The Life Of Ya Ya

What do you mean "not mine???"

But if I found it, I mean just sitting there....

If I can just pull this ... up a little farther .... I can .....

Paper? I now nothing of this "paper."

After a long hard day, a nice long nap with squeaky Mr. Lobster...

15 February 2009

Getting Ready For Spring

It was kind of nice out today so DH decided to clean out all the birdhouses around the yard. This is no small task (there are 5 of them.)
I took photos of each different nest to use in a garden journal I'm putting together.
I didn't notice 'the nose' until I had the shots on the computer screen.

This all came from inside the English Sparrow's house. They love to collect chicken feathers from a neighbor's yard to line their nest. They stay in the yard and use their house all year round.

02 February 2009

Happy Ground Hog Day!

Punxsutawney Phil
"And a bright sky above me

Showed my shadow beside me.

So 6 more weeks of winter it will be."