16 October 2007

Bringing Home the Pumpkins

I love shopping at Lillian's Market all summer long for fresh vegetables. I love it even more in the Fall!

Pumpkins, apple cider, pole beans and Mums. I picked up these two little pumpkins the other day and I thought they looked nice on the crackled wood bench with the shadow from the leaves of the apple tree falling over them.

If you look closely, in the background you can see that crazy Ya Ya pestering Lucy.

15 October 2007

Fall Tote

I've finished a fall version of my Gradation Dyed Tote Bag. This will be on display ay the Ocean City Arts Center as a class sample.

In the class. students will dye eight diferent fat quarters of fabric, graduating in equal steps from the first color to the second color.

The class will be held Saturday, November 17th.

13 October 2007

First Signs of Autumn

I've tried to get into the habit of bringing my digital camera on our daily walks. (Not an easy thing with two unruly girls on leashes!)
But after that tremendous thunderstorm the air was rich with the smells of rain and earth and crumbling leaves...
The Virginia Creeper is loaded with berries and as usual, provides the first patches of bright reds.

The Arrival of Autumn

Ya Ya spent what was to be the last hot day soaking up the sun and and enjoying the warmth from the cobble stone step outside the studio.